Residency in Northern Cyprus
Residence Permit
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus law states that residence permits can be applied for once you have bought your North Cyprus Home. The British Residence Society can provide you with all relevant information. When you arrive in North Cyprus, you are issued with a 1 month tourist visa. After that you must apply for a residence permit. The procedure is fairly straight forward but does require medical checks for HIV, Typhus etc at the hospital in Lefkosa. The current cost is approximately £150 for your first application and then a small renewal fee in subsequent years.
The standard procedure for applying for a permit is as follows:
You must make yourself known to your local Immigration Office by taking your passport. Local Immigration Offices are found at the Police station.
Permits are issued by the Department of Immigration in Lefkosa, The office can be found in a building at the back of the bus station on the 3rd floor.
For a Temporary Permit you will need:
A written application with legal documents showing your identity – photocopies of your passport are acceptable. A letter from your local Muhtar, quoting your passport number. The Koçan (deeds) and number of your residence or equivalent confirming your place of residence. If your deeds have not been issued then a photocopy of your contract will suffice. Proof of sufficient funds to maintain yourselves and any dependants, i.e. photocopies of bank statements, pension slips etc. In addition, six passport size photographs are required.
A preliminary investigation by the Immigration Police is requested.
If the preliminary investigation report is positive, the immigration section of the local Police Directorate is instructed to accept your application. Documents are then forwarded to the Immigration Directorate of the general directorate of the Police and then onto the Immigration Department.
You are then referred to a doctor for a medical report. A blood test and X-Ray are included in these tests. Results usually take about three weeks.
The applicant may be issued a permit upon applying in person at the Immigration Department if all requirements are met and passport, revenue stamp (approximate value 1YTL) and relevant fee are submitted.
For a Permanent Residence Permit the requirements are as follows:
By law the foreign resident has to obtain and completed a minimum of three consecutive temporary residence permits before submitting an application, which may then take a further two years before being granted.
- The applicant has to have a place to live. Property ownership is required.
- The applicant has to have a documented regular income.
- The applicant has to be retired.