How North Cyprus Beat The Bug
For the past few weeks, all eyes have been on how New Zealand has been winning the war against coronavirus. Yet over in the Eastern Mediterranean, a similar success story is playing out in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
The small country with a population of 350,000 has managed to flatten its infection curve less than seven weeks after its first confirmed case on 10 March.
There have been no new reported cases of coronavirus infections for the past ten days and the last Covid-19 death in North Cyprus was on 13 April.
Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, an MP for the TRNC’s main coalition partner Ulusal Birlik Partisi (UBP, National Unity Party) and the Head of the TRNC Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, told T-VINE he believed the strategy adopted by his government was successful in containing the coronavirus pandemic because the politicians had worked “hand-in-hand” with the country’s leading medical and scientific experts.
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